
The Toothpaste Won’t Go Back In the Tube, Diameter Forum 2020

Diameter Health recently concluded its second-ever customer forum, which featured lively and interactive discussions on a wide range of use cases for digital health data in which data quality is critical to success. We are sharing key takeaways from Diameter Forum 2020 in this series. 

Check out our previous posts, reflections from backstage, and MoonShots & The Right Stuff (including a replay of Eric Rosow’s kickoff remarks).  

John D’Amore, President, Diameter Health introduced the first panel, Data-driven Strategies. His message to attendees is that we’ve reached a tipping point in the availability of clinical data that is converging with the need for automation to make the data usable. While back in 2010 there were few exchanges of clinical data, over the past decade the amount of data exchanged grew exponentially – reaching an estimated 2.5-5 billion data exchanges annually. That’s a lot of health data!  

“There’s an urgent need to apply technology and interoperability to respond to COVID. But there is a more fundamental shift that’s in the works. Once you turn off manual processes and it’s not just a week or a month, you begin to find more automated ways to use this information more effectively.”

The toothpaste is not going back in the tube when it comes to health data enabling more automation across use cases.  

The panelists offered additional observations on this theme. 

Morgan Honea, CEOCORHIO. COVID has highlighted and accelerated the need for a national health data infrastructure, rather than one in which there are “water tanks on the roof and gas tanks in the yard” of individual homes, in a bifurcated system under which public utilities are available only to businesses, to use an analogy from his experience in Jakarta, Indonesia. Honea sees the national HIE infrastructure undergoing a monumental evolution into a true health data utility for healthcare delivery.

“Health information exchange is evolving to be an infrastructure component that is the underpinning of how we move data, regardless of how the information will be used.” 

Sarah London, SVP, Technology Innovation & Modernization and Chuck Manternach, Staff VP, Data & Analytics, Centene. Sarah sees healthcare at the threshold of digital transformation, but it all comes down to effective use of data. For Chuck, today’s challenge is data “efficacy.” He observed that in the past four years the need for clinical data has exploded because claim information does not give a complete picture of each member. 

“Given that we have so many different channels, sources, and formats, it’s a complex spider web connecting that data to use cases. Unless we can manage that data, govern that data, and care for that data, that data can’t be used in the way it’s needed.” 

Katie Devlin, VPData Solutions, Clareto. Diameter Health business partner Clareto functions as a hub to enable insurance carriers to get data in a single platform for insurance underwriting. For Katie, our consumer-driven culture has carried over to the insurance industry.  

“Everyone wants the Amazon experience these days and having your insurance application approved in real-time or in minutes as opposed to months is part of that. So, having clean data can support instant decisions for direct to consumer products or serve as input for underwriting decision support.” 

You can hear more from these engaging and passionate leaders in the use of digital health data in the session replay

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